Monday, October 26, 2015

Mythical Monster Mondays: The Knocker

Hello Folks!
I have decided it would be fun to showcase a mythological creature every Monday on my little corner of the internet. Most of the creatures I will write articles about will be ones a little less known to the general public. These particular beasties aren't often showcased in many books or movies and I have decided it is up to me to show them a little love. So without further ado, I give you the first myth of many in the form of... the Knocker.

These little spirits aren't typically taller than about 2 feet and dwell in caves and mines (even occupied ones) Some say they look like older men that are average in appearance save their height, while others believe them to have heads that are larger than the rest of their body. Their origins are English and were most well known in the mining communities in Wales and Cornwall.

They are commonly depicted in a miner's garb and were thought to be the cause of a creaking or knocking sound right before a cave-in. While some believed this was the Knockers trying their hardest to cause a cave-in, the more popular view is that it was the little creature's way of warning the miner's so they could get out before that section of the cave collapsed.

It was actually common practice for miners to toss a part (or whole) pastry into the tunnel to feed the Knockers and thank them for looking out for the miner's best interest. Some even believed that the knocking sounds from their helpful little friends were instructions as to where they should dig and find the greatest riches.

The Knocker's legend even spread to the United States in the form of the Tommyknocker. Immigrants from Cornwall came over during the Gold Rush and brought their wonderful stories of mischievous little miners who caused strange sounds in the mines, calling out a warning of imminent danger.


  1. Try this one then: (from my part of the world)

  2. Thanks for the suggestion! This is awesome! I will add it to the list! It will probably feature next week or the week after if circumstances permit.
